
Nice to meet you! Thanks for checking out my website!

I am a polyglot tech-nerd who likes to solve problems and make things that bring people joy.

I have a background in tech-consulting where I helped both public and private organisations of all sizes design, build, ship and operationalise business-critical, customer-facing software applications.

I call Melbourne, Australia home but I run away to the mountains/lakes/farms whenever I can.

When I am not doing anything technical, I usually spend my time learning/practising the piano, playing relaxing story-driven or strategy games, reading thought-provoking literature, or watching comedies.

You can find me on LinkedIn, GitHub, StackOverflow and SoundCloud.

I am trying to get into the habit of writing regularly. You may find some of it in the thoughts section of this website.

I hope you find something interesting! Have a great day!